Collectively Kids caters for tamariki aged 3 months to five years. Tamariki can attend for full-time or part-time for a minimum of two days per week.
The centre (previously Montessori Khyber Pass) opened on a sessional basis in 1993 on Khyber Pass Road. It began operating as an all day early childhood education centre in September 1996. In April 2002 it became a company named Collectively Kids and in 2007 we moved to new premises at 28 Carrington Road. Marina Bachmann is a director of the company and professional leader of the centre.
7.30-5.30 Monday to Friday
The centre is closed between Christmas and New Years, on statutory holidays
Teacher/Child Ratios
From 9am to 4pm at least 5 kaiako work with a maximum of 30 tamariki, 3 in the over-two area and 2 in the under-two area. Outside these times there are fewer teachers as tamariki arrive and begin to leave. In addition Education Support Workers and students may be present for parts of the day.
We require parents to visit the centre before enrolment takes place. You are welcome to spend as much time at the centre as you like, preferably with your tamaiti.
The enrolment process is complete once your place has been confirmed, enrolment forms have been returned to the centre and two weeks fees (in advance) have been paid.
We encourage whānau to do transition (settling in) visits with your tamaiti before attendance begins. We will arrange home visits before enrolment for infants and toddlers if this is of interest to families.
Planning, Policies, and other information
Please ask kaiako if you have any questions. We have rigorous planning, documentation and evaluation processes. Noticeboards display some information for parents. You are also most welcome to look at the operations folder in the parent library, or to access policies via this website.
Education Programme at Collectively Kids
Environmental sustainability forms the foundation of our programme, policies, systems and practices.
We view the education of tamariki as a community project where all members have the opportunity to contribute and learn. Our community consists of - tamariki, parents, whānau, qualified kaiako, Education Support Workers, student teachers and advisors. To enrich this approach we have a strong focus on engaging with our local and wider community.
The programme is based on the principles, strands and goals of Te Whāriki with a strong emphasis on:
Supportive relationships and effective communication between all members of the centre community to support learning
Equity and inclusion
A formal and informal process of noting, discussing and documenting learning in which all members of the community have opportunities to participate
Sharing information to enrich the educational programme and make it more responsive to the interests, strengths and needs of tamariki at Collectively Kids
In-centre research to support learning, effective internal evaluation
A commitment to continue to explore the implications of our bicultural heritage within the centre programme
Education as including an element of risk and adventure
Offering a wide range of resources and experiences within a flexible environment
A reflective and (constructively) critical approach to teaching and centre practices
Our day
We place a high value on learning and believe that the deepest learning occurs within a flexible and responsive environment. For this reason our days are adjusted to accommodate the interests and needs of the community and of individuals.
Infant Toddler room/Te Ao Marama
Kaiako are responsive to the interests, strengths and needs of the tamariki and provide a mix of planned and spontaneous experiences indoors and outdoors.
Information from home and the daily needs of individual tamariki guide routines such as breastfeeding/bottles, meal times, sleeps and nappy changing.
Most of our day is flexible so that tamariki and kaiako are free to explore planned and spontaneous experiences indoors and outdoors. Tamariki are expected to help with tidying when they leave an area and before mat time (about 11.30am). Mat time emerges from the interests of all tamariki. Younger tamariki usually join mat time for a short period. Older tamariki take part in longer mat times which focus on critical thinking, school transition programmes, etc. Tamariki sit together to eat lunch but may leave as soon as they have finished. Sleep, toileting and nappy changing routines are based on the needs of tamariki and information from whānau. Morning and afternoon tea is provided for extended periods and tamariki sit to eat when they are ready.
For further information please refer to:
Our Philosophy
Fees Policy
Environment Policy
Education Review Office Reports
Videos and other information in the Videos and Presentations page